Each new member will start out with 100 E.T. cash that can be wagered in the shadow arena and that can be exchanged for decks in deck shops and in the future, maybe exchange for graphics if we ever get a graphic designer. We will make a bigger selection of ways to use your E.T. cash in due time. You can also earn points by winning tournaments and the amount of points that you can earn will be listed below. Once you earn 300 points, you can exchange them to be tested again retest rules will be posted in another topic (NOTE: You cannot be demoted if you retest. IE: If you do not get promoted, and make a worse score than your original test, you stay in your original dorm).
E.T. Cash Tournament Format
Competition cash system Law (Every competition must have cash awards according to the rules of this law) :
in a tourney is much harder than winning a competition, therefore the
maximum for the competitions has to be less than for tourneys.
1st Place: Max = 120 (6 won matches according to the average)
2nd Place: Max = 80 (4 won matches according to the average)
3rd Place: Max = 60 (3 won matches according to the average)
For the special competitions (not held often):
1st Place: Max 200 (10 won matches according to the average)
2nd Place: Max 140 (7 won matches according to the average)
3rd Place: Max 100 (5 won matches according to the average)